Yellow masks fine but watch your words, voters told

Voters in this Sunday’s Legislative Council elections can wear yellow face masks if they so wish but should steer clear of displaying sensitive words an official warned on Tuesday.

Barnabas Fung, the chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission, confirmed media reports that polling staff have been banned from wearing yellow face masks.

He said this was to maintain political neutrality.

Fung said any voters wearing yellow masks would not be stopped from entering polling stations, as long as they don’t disrupt order.

But he said they might be asked to avoid displaying some words.

“It’s aimed at preventing people with different political views from displaying messages and disrupting the order at the polling stations,” he explained.

“Some words carry a second layer of meaning. If the supervisor of the polling station considers such words may affect the order or lead to unnecessary disputes, we could give the voter a jacket to cover the words.”

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